Day trip to Périgueux from Bordeaux by train

Day trip to Périgueux from Bordeaux by train

Périgueux is situated in the heart of the Dordogne.

The Dordogne is just outside Bordeaux and easy to visite by train. The hotel Régina, opposite  the train station is ideally located for you to make a day trip to Perigueux.

Practical information Bordeaux Périgueux by Train:

  • Travel time Bordeaux Périgueux: 1h30
  • Average cost: € 22.50

Just a short comfortable ride in your TER Aquitaine train and you are in the Dordogne. The most populated commune of Périgord, of which it is the capital. Périgeux has a history more than two thousand years old. No wonder, therefore, that it is classified  City of Art and History. Embark on a wonderful journey back in time through the cobbled streets from museums to monuments.

Be sure to visit the famous Saint-Front cathedral, listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Discover also  the Tour de Vésone vestige of a Gallo-Roman temple and la Tour Mataguerre dated from the Middle Ages.

Do not miss the visit of the Gallo-Roman museum Vesunna, witness of the ancient past of the city but also its modernity through the architecture of Jean Nouvel. Lose yourself in the medieval city through the alleys and passageways of the Puy-Saint-Front and discover the fragrant and colorful markets.

Bordeaux - Périgueux train calling points: 

Bordeaux - Cenon - Libourne - Coutras - St Médard de Guizieres - St Seurin on the isle - Mussidan - Neuvic Dordogne - St Léon on the island - St Astier - Razac - Périgueux